Our Trustees
All our Trustees are volunteers, along with all the skippers and crew.
David Carter
Chair of the Trustees. Longest serving Skipper of over a quarter of a century. Started with SCAD in previous boat Marjorie Charlesworth. Master Mariner and Merchant Navy Captain. 34 years at sea with 16 years in command. Captain of the fleet flagship and largest gas carrier in the world on her maiden voyage. Royal Naval Reservist of 29 years. Currently RN/MN Liaison Officer. Merchant Navy Medal. Law graduate. Merchant Navy Training Board. Chair of the industry Master Mariner Apprenticeship Trailblazer. Associate Fellow of the Nautical Institute Institute. Younger Brother of Trinity House and on Management Committee. Trinity House Northern Charity Committee. Captain of the Cachalots Southampton Master Mariners Club. I thoroughly enjoy sailing in our boat and serving our community, being Skipper when able, and providing season relief cover until retirement when I hope to do more.

Sally Goodman (Sal)
I have been volunteering with SoE since June 2022 and a Trustee since January 2023.
I had hired canal boats a few times in the past and learned to sail for a couple of years in my 30s. So not massively experienced with boats, but I am capable and practical, with some engineering knowledge.
In my professional life, after a career as an acoustic engineer I moved into Environmental and Health & Safety Management, which involved variously designing, auditing and training management systems.
I am now a qualified Skipper and my formal roles on the Trustee Body are Secretariat, Marketing, Social Media, Management System and Volunteer Engagement (jointly with Bob Evans).
In my spare time (what’s that?!) I love singing, volunteering with Yorkshire Cat rescue and spending time with my six rescue cats.

Bob Evans
I have enjoyed messing about with boats for most of my life. I used to race sailing dinghies, operate power boats when water skiing, and was a Senior Instructor for the British Canoe Union (now known as Paddle UK). I’ve been involved at all levels in Scouting for many years. My working life was as a Chartered Surveyor for 20 years until becoming a Church of England vicar (now retired).
I joined Spirit of Endeavour as a crew early 2023, became the Bookings Secretary in the early summer of that year, became a Trustee shortly after, qualified as a Skipper in the autumn, and as an NCBA Trainer in Autumn 2024.
I am responsible for customer bookings, crew bookings, finance, and as a qualified Trainer, share responsibility for Training. I usually skipper the boat once a week. I also get involved in ad hoc matters ensuring the smooth running of the charity.

David Berry
I was brought up in Portsmouth and have been afloat in lots of different craft all my life.
For over 30 years I have been instructing Watersports for Scouts including most paddlesports, sailing and powerboating. I have been an RYA Principal of three Centres, an RYA Senior Instructor for almost 25 years and a British Canoeing Coach Assessor.
Although I only joined Endeavour in 2023, I have held a license to Skipper Sailing and Powered craft up to 24m in length on inland and coastal waters anywhere in Europe for 25 years.
Prior to my retirement I was a Pension Manager for a large Plc with responsibility for pension schemes with assets in excess of £1Bn and a trustee and ROI. Although it doesn’t sound it, this was a remarkably interesting and varied job,
I am the regular Tuesday Skipper and my formal role on the Trustee Body is Training Co-ordinator, though I assist in other areas if I can help. I am a qualified Trainer.

Andy Hayford
Growing up in a town on the coast, boats & sailing became a part of my life at an early age. In adult life this has included sailing & racing for fun and has meant helming boats of all sizes on the sea, rivers & canals for over 50 years.
My work life over the last 40+ years has depended on detailed & meticulous planning; with career highlights including working on several Olympic Games & World Cups as well as in 2010; a Technical & Engineering Emmy Award for my contribution with “Hi-Motion” to the Olympics as well as Sky Sport.
I have been volunteering on Endeavour since spring 2022 & skippering since autumn 2023; I am a qualified Trainer. I bring my passion for boats and a passion for what we deliver as a charity to our customers.
Awaiting appointment