Wheelchair Information
The Endeavour can accommodate up to four people seated in wheel chairs. This figure does not include someone who is transported to the boat and then transfers to a normal seat. There is also a wheelchair kept on the boat which can be used to transfer people around.
The boat has a lift installed to allow anyone with mobility issues to gain access to the cabin area, it is not restricted to wheelchair users. The lift which is operated by one of the crew has some size restrictions for wheelchairs.
Make sure if bringing a person in a large wheelchair that you check its size beforehand. The trend to larger and larger chairs can make entry difficult.
The lift is similar to those often found on mini buses and is rated at 300Kg or 47 Stone which is adequate to lift a single person or an electric wheel chair provided the wheelchair is narrow enough to fit through the door.
The door frame is wider at the bottom than the top which can cause issues with some chairs. Door width at the bottom is 25” or 63cm reducing to approximately 23” or 58cm near the top of the door. Care has to be taken if the wheelchair has large head rests for example. The lift platform area is 30” or 77cm wide by 3’ 4” or 103cm wide. This is a little shorter than those lifts normally found on a mini bus.
If the wheelchair will not go through the door, then the person in the wheelchair will have to sit outside at the front of the boat. If this is the case consideration should be given to the weather on the day and rainwear may be needed. It is also possible to consider using our wheelchair to transfer into the boat.